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CYPFER Is Tapped By Global Lifestyle Celebrity & Fashion Magazine Publishing House Haute Living

CYPFER Is Tapped By Global Lifestyle Celebrity & Fashion Magazine Publishing House Haute Living

The Luxury and Lifestyle Marketplace Taking Cyber Security Seriously Amidst Growing Concerns for Privacy and Protection

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, May 6, 2024 / -- Kamal Hotchandani, CEO of Haute Living, announced today the appointment of Daniel Tobok, CEO of CYPFER, as Chief Cyber Intelligence Advisor.

“We are delighted to be measuring, monitoring, and safeguarding Haute Living’s collective genius as their efforts and energies span across an array of luxury industries that require seamless security and stability,” says Daniel Tobok, CYPFER’s CEO. “There is a growing interest in luxury buyers and participants - especially in their personal information as threat actors triangulate on ways to access or compromise them,” warns Tobok.

Haute Living is a multifaceted luxury publishing house. Based in Miami with outlets worldwide, celebrating celebrity and their place inside the realm of luxury cuisine, fashion, real estate, and transportation.

“We are a sophisticated curator of luxury collaboration,” shares Kamal Hotchandani, CEO of Haute Living. “We cross-pollinate best-in-class, top-in-field brands, businesses, and offerings. This is why the Haute portfolio is comprised of a wide spectrum of initiatives ranging from Haute Residence, Haute Time, Haute Wine Society, Haute Auto, Haute Real Estate, and Haute Yachts, serving our fans, family, and followers with carefully crafted buying experiences,” shares Hotchandani.

“We are excited to serve Haute Living to preserve and protect their incredible work,” shares Tobok. “They are more than simply a production and publication company at this juncture; they are at the epicenter of luxury living with a strong digital media influence, and because they are a trusted source for sound buying and experience decisions, we will do our best to preserve and protect them and the brands they represent,” concludes Tobok.


CYPFER is on a global mission to help companies create Cyber Certainty™. With an experienced team of incident responders, threat researchers, seasoned ransom negotiators, and data restoration experts, CYPFER is the trusted firm for leading law firms, insurance carriers and global organizations. CYPFER’s cybersecurity professionals are located across the US, Canada, UK, and Caribbean. The CYPFER team is ready to respond and help clients experiencing cyber attacks 24x7x365. CYPFER’s experts provide white-glove service and aim to restore Cyber Certainty™ for all clients on every engagement.
CYPFER’s core services include:

Ransom negotiations and payment services

Incident Response Services with specialized expertise in ransomware response and recovery

On-site and/or remote post-breach restoration support to augment internal teams

CYPFER is headquartered in Miami, FL. The company currently employs 140+ people and has supported clients across six continents. CYPFER is executing plans to expand across the globe and boast a workforce of 200 cybersecurity professionals by the end of 2024.
For inquiries, please contact our PR Team at

Richard Dolan
+1 888-297-3371

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